Register for SMS banking so that you get updates of all your banking transactions. Before downloading any app, go through reviews and do your research on the developer. “Not all apps found on Play Store or App Store are legitimate. Post this, the fraudster will get full access to the victim’s device," the RBI circular stated.Ĭontrary to what many think, it’s dangerous to assume that all apps available on Apple or Google app stores are legitimate and safe. Once the app was installed, “an app code (nine-digit number) would be generated and once the fraudster inserts this code, he would ask the victim to grant permission. The modus operandi in the case of AnyDesk being used for phishing was to call customers posing as a bank representative and ask them to download the app on their phone. While in some cases, people might be vulnerable to fraud for no fault of their own, in some situations scammers rely on lack of awareness among people. Over two months, seven transfers were made from his bank and he didn’t receive any alerts, finding out only when he visited the bank branch to make a withdrawal. 6.8 lakh from his State Bank of India savings account. In December 2018, a Noida-based UPI user reportedly lost Rs.